Open Board / Re: Yoo Hoo?!
« Last post by XPlover on December 27, 2016, 08:29:34 AM »Well, race is obvious but how much importance we give to it can change. Left-handed people were treated pretty badly, but now there's no discrimination: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bias_against_left-handed_people
Interesting that this came up here and you're uncomfortable with it, andkon. For all the gaudy waving and flaunting of rainbows, we gays are among the whitest and most "racist" crowds on earth. Liberally-dogmatized "diversity" is a fraud and needs to be trashed.
I put "racist" in quotes, because the concept is actually a wrecking ball against civilization, a smear-word that's ending way too many careers over absolutely nothing. Most people love whiteness and it's time they just admitted it -- because it's reality. "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature"......